Socar has launched a new road safety campaign, "Depends on a Driver," which is distinguished by the fact that it does not focus only on violations of traffic rules. In the campaign, such negative behaviors are emphasized, such as a long signal, the problem of yielding the road or maintaining a distance, swearing at the wheel, etc. All that is imperceptible at first glance, because such drivers feel safe in their own cars.
In Socar's video, such drivers will turn into pedestrians, but they will feel like they are driving. As a result, it becomes more visible how important it is not only to follow the rules of the road but also to behave well.
The company always pays significant attention to road safety issues. In the current academic year, on the initiative of SOCAR Georgia Petroleum, senior students of schools are also given first aid training. The training course is held together with the trainers of the emergency management agency, and the students learn how to deal with the injured in a car accident, how to perform artificial respiration, treat a wound, turn a fracture, and other necessary actions.
Socar promotes road safety rules and standards through various campaigns on social networks and media in terms of public awareness. In this direction, two important information campaigns "Your Way" and "let them pass" have already been implemented.